
Jueves, 02 de Mayo de 2024

Piriápolis 12



Parque Pan de Azúcar



In 1980 the Breeding Station on Cerro Pan de Azúcar started to operate, in charge of Mr Tabaré González and the Municipality of Maldonado.

The main purpose was to breed endangered species in captivity.

Tabaré González is a self-taught lover of animals, and he has done a fantastic job.

He is responsible for the creation of the Museum of Fauna in Piriápolis, and has received awards from the government for his work at the breeding station.

The most successful results were obtained with the "venado de campo" or country deer, and now the park has the largest number in captivity in the world.

Attempts are being made to reinsert this species in its natural habitat.

They are now working on the "Guazubirá" - another variety of native deer - and the swamp deer.

The animals in the park are in their natural environment as far as possible.

It is requested not to feed the animals, and not to take dogs, as they are natural predators of many of the species in the park.

Please ask children not to make excessive noise or to throw objects at the animals.

At all times there is staff at the park to explain anything you need to know about the animals at the park.

In the near future the park will have a large area for endangered flora.


The city of Piriápolis is the fruit of the vision and efforts of one man: Francisco Piria.

In 1890 Piria bought all the land between the Pan de Azúcar hill and the coast from the heirs of General Leonardo Olivera, who owned a ranch that...   +  


  • Phone 42 32 34 68
  • Location Falda del Cerro Pan de Azúcar