
Martes, 11 de Febrero de 2025

Punta del Este 12


For Sale

E1845 View Punta del Este: studio apartments and 1, 1 and 1/2 and 2 bedroom apartments in the commercial area of ​​stop 5.

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View Punta del Este is a ground floor tower, ten floors of apartments and a terrace with amenities located just meters from Av. Pedragosa at stop 5 of Mansa beach.

It offers four types of apartments: studio apartments, one bedroom, one and a half bedrooms and two two bedrooms.

View Punta del Este offers amenities and services on the ground floor and on the terrace.

Low level:

- Indoor heated pool with whirlpool area
- Sauna area with changing rooms
- Grills
- Fire Corner
- Outdoor aerobic space
- Playroom for children Playroom for teenagers
- Business space
- Audiovisual projection room
- Reception with concierge

Building terrace:

- Infinity pool with panoramic view
- Modernly equipped solarium
- Latest generation massage spas
- Semi-covered social area
- Last generation GYM
- SUM with grill

View Punta del Este offers its own financing at 40 and 100 months.


The Mansa zone or Mansa beach, belongs to the Punta del Este locality.

If the beach is taken into account, its coast limit is determined by the course of the Claudio Williman ravine, that is, it starts at stop 1 and ends at stop 25.

The...   +  



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