
Miércoles, 12 de Febrero de 2025

Punta del Este 12


For Sale

C1750 Parque Pinares: house on two floors with two bedrooms and two bathrooms in a private neighborhood with amenities.

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House on two floors with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, both en suite, with barbecue in a private neighborhood with good amenities.

Located in Pinares, natural area, a few blocks from the beach, the neighborhood has outdoor pools, gym, tennis court and barbecue for forty people.

Gated community with access control, internet access throughout the property, optional maid service.


  • Capacity

    Two people in master suite in double bed, two people in second suite with separate beds. 

  • Suites (Bedroom + Bathroom)

    Both on the top floor. Very bright in natural surroundings, high ceilings with ceiling fan.
    Good closets, spacious.

    Bathrooms with outside window, well arranged, with shower and screen. Master suite bathroom with bathtub. 

  • Toilettes


    Toilette on the ground floor. 

  • Living room


    Unique space of living room with stove. Windows to the barbecue area and north, providing a lot of light.

    Living space with sofa bed, coffee table and cable TV. 

  • Dining room


    Generated towards the bottom of the living room space. It has a rectangular wooden table with capacity for six people.

    The space connects with the kitchen with a bar with two breakfast chairs. 

  • Kitchen


    Integrated to the living room and with access to the parrilero and side of the house. Counts with double sink in stainless acro, four-burner gas stove, extractor hood, microwave oven, refrigerator with freezer and other appliances.

    Offers views to the quiet part of the building in a natural environment, very bright. 

  • Laundry


    Washing machine in the kitchen. 

  • Heating


    Wood stove in living room. 

  • TV system



  • Internet access



  • Security Services


    Control of access to the private neighborhood. Individual alarm options. 

  • Furnishing


    Basic in good condition. 

  • Views


    Natural environment to surrounding houses and gardens. 

Other amenities and services

  • Pools

    Both outdoors. Swimming pool for adults and pool for children. 

  • Park


    Landscaped space with trees, ballast streets. 

  • Barbecue


    BBQ space with furnished patio and large pergola. Capacity for forty people. Sanitary facilities. 


Barrio joven creado a partir de una fisonomía de calles de balasto, manzanas irregulares respetando generosos jardines, lomadas, desniveles, bosque de pinos marítimos y casas de techo liviano de paja, los clásicos "Quinchos".

Barrio costero...   +  




Sale price

USD 400.000

Friendly options

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